السيرة الذاتية للمدرس

Bill has 40 years experience in media. First with Image Dynamics, Inc. garnering a New York Film Festival Gold Award in 1983, then raising over 25 million dollars for non-profit clients with his video production company, Mountain Media. Since 2009 Bill has leveraged his skills to produce dramatic films for unreached people groups with Create International. Bill co-founded the six week Frontier Filmmaking Seminar (FFS) in 2013 with director, Steve Baldwin. Hands-on training for 3 weeks, then three weeks making a movie. Bill typically helps produce, edit and oversee technical aspects of production. He’s been married 28 years to his wife, Kristi. They have three adult sons, Isaiah, Noah and Micaiah. With an empty nest, Bill & Kristi have begun focusing on member care for missionaries which involves coaching, trauma counseling and debriefing. Kristi uses her skills in developing art therapy projects for teams and Bill is integrating some member care aspects into our FFS temporary community.

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تسجيل الدخول

تفضل، يرجى ملاحظة أنه يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول بنفس الطريقة التي قمت بها بالتسجيل.